Draft #1 Annotated Summary: In vitro meat production: Challenges and benefits over conventional meat production

Bhat, Z. F., Kumar, S., & Fayaz, H. (2015, February 14). In vitro meat production: Challenges and benefits over conventional meat production. Retrieved November 7, 2019, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S209531191460887X.

According to the article, in vitro meat is the production of meat through the process of by culturing the stem cells that are extracted from animals inside the bioreactor, using advanced tissue engineering methods. The article focuses on the benefits of in vitro meat in comparison to conventional meat, in terms of its health and environmental benefits. For example, in vitro meat could reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced from conventional food production methods by as much as 90%. The author also mentions that in vitro meat could also be created to be healthier than conventional meat, by altering the content of the culture medium, fat content and fatty acid composition of cultured meat. In addition, the risks of being exposed  to other hazards like pesticides, arsenic, dioxins, and hormones could be reduced drastically. The article also mentions the disadvantages associated with conventional meat production. For example,  conventional meat poses several health issues such as nutrition-related and foodborne illnesses, as well as the significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The article also explains the techniques that is involved in the production of in vitro meat, such as scaffolding and self-organizing  techniques. In conclusion, even though in vitro meat has great potential due to the significant advantages, additional research needs to be made in this area. 

This article is useful for our research project as it contains valuable information on in vitro meats, which is also known as cultured meat. The article also explains the advantages of in vitro meat and the disadvantages of cultured meat, which strengthens the reasons to adopt cultured meat. While there is more research needed in the area of cultured meat, the article certainty provides valuable insight on the benefits of in vitro meat, which is a relevant aspect of our research project
(296 words)


  1. Thank you, Chris, for preparing this very fine annotated summary. It's interesting, and as you mention, useful for your project. Great effort!


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